I wanted to post this to try to keep track of my symptoms/ongoing issues in dealing with FMS. I'm not sure if this is a new "stage" that I'm entering, but have been
felling really foggy, crappy, irritable and tired lately. I did tell me
doctor about the crappiness and tiredness, to which she replied, "Yes,
that's normal for fibromyalgia." I understand, but it seems like a
curtain has been tossed over me at times while other times it feels like
my brain is floating loose in my head (if that makes sense).
memory, I can remember some long-term things, however, there seem to be
large holes here and there for which I don't remember anything. I still
have some short-term memory loss as well as confusion in putting my
thoughts together, etc. and my wife is getting a little worried so I'll
be talking to my doctor on my next visit.