... is what I tell myself when the pain and fatigue sets in.
In one more hour, I'll be closer to lunch and rest.
In one more hour, I'll be closer to going home and making it through another work day.
In one more hour, I'll be home and hopefully able to rest from the long day.
These are the things that I have to tell myself. These are the things that help me get through the day. If you can focus on a short term goal like making it through an hour, it all seems easier to deal with. It's like that old joke, "How do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time." That is the way that I take the day, one hour at a time. It seems to be a manageable amount of time to deal with.
This is all not to say like there are some days when one hour away is too much. There are days when I can't get out of bed. There are more days with pain than pain free days. As a matter of fact, I no longer remember a day without pain, but in one more our, it'll be OK.